The Estonian telecoms market is amongst the most developed in Eastern Europe. Estonia has a relatively high Internet usage, which includes Internet banking, various government services as well as relatively high broadband penetration.
In 2012, there were 993,785 internet users in Estonia, which represents 77.5% of the population. Statistics Estonia states that during the first quarter of 2010 75% of the Estonian population were using computers and the internet.
For more information please see:
Private individuals
The Passport to Trade 2.0 project survey, had difficulties collecting primary data using social media therefore the main recommendations in this section are based on secondary sources and internet research.
The most popular social media websites in Estonia are Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, MySpace, Orkut, and The and are local sites designed and developed in Estonia. For Russian speaking population (almost 25% of the total population) – odnoklassniki (Одноклассники), moi mir (Мой Мир), moi kurg (Мой Круг) are popular.
Overall, Facebook is the most popular social network, followed by Twitter, Orkut and The Russian minority is active in their social media use. Some research suggests that they are also frequent users of their own language communities, especially odnoklassniki (Одноклассники), which is used very frequently by more than 40% of Russian speaking social media users. However, as observed in other countries, even the most popular applications like Facebook or YouTube do not engage every social media user.
Socialbakers statistics show that Facebook penetration in Estonia is about 40% in relation to the country’s population and 51% in relation to the number of registered Internet users. The total number of Facebook users in Estonia is over 500,000. The age group of the largest users (28%) in 2013 was 25-34, followed by users in the 18-24 age range – which represent a quarter of all users.
For more information please see:
According to research (undertaken by the Estonian Business School) Estonian businesses are just starting to use Social media for business purposes. 38% of researched companies believe that social media is very important for their company’s future.
In Estonia, Facebook is considered to have the biggest potential as an SME channel (78% use Facebook to promote their business, Blog use is 11% and YouTube use is 5%). They consider that the primary benefits of using social media are to present their company to customers, increase website visits and develop new client relationships.
For more information please see:
Search and Social Media Marketing for International Business
Learn how to use social media for business from one of Salford Business School’s latest business management courses. The course was jointly researched by the Passport to Trade 2.0 project team and prepared in collaboration with some of the leading digital marketing agencies in the UK.
This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) can help businesses and individuals to make the best use of search and social media platforms. The course is called Search and Social Media Marketing for International Business and is applicable to students looking for placements abroad as well as businesses thinking about new trade links; it comprises the following twelve topics:
Before you start the course please complete this short MOOC entrance survey.
How to develop a personal brand online (1/12)
How to use Twitter (2/12)
How to use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) (3/12)
How to use social media for international business development (4/12)
How to use Facebook (5/12)
How to use YouTube (6/12)
How to use LinkedIn (7/12)
How to use Google+ (8/12)
How to use copywriting online (9/12)
How to stay legal on social media (10/12)
How to use monitoring and reporting (11/12)
How to blog (12/12)
Please complete the MOOC exit survey.