
Trochides-Ltd“I always wanted to introduce my business to new markets, but, I have never actually did anything about it, thinking that marketing abroad would be very expensive for me. So, following the advice on the businessculture.org website, I created a Facebook profile of my company. Within a week I was contacted by an Italian wholesaler wanting to distribute my products to the Italian market!”

John Trochides, owner of Trochides Ltd, Greece


Leo Donato EEN international business advisor“Definitely worth using it, I always recommend it to my colleagues and clients”.

Leo Donato, RTC North ltd, Enterprise Europe Network, The UK


I can now say that the new website “businessculture.org” is very useful to close this information gap.”

Mariya Totlyakova, Senior Expert at the Department of Academic Activities and Erasmus programme team, Bulgaria


Balia-Stougiantziki“I am thinking, after graduating, of applying for a Masters program in the UK. You can be sure that I will consult the www.businessculture.org website before going for my postgraduate studies. I was looking through the UK section and it gives so much useful information. I especially like the sections on internship and placements, business communication and business etiquette. Congratulations to the team!!!”

Balia Stougiantziki, Student, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Journalism, Greece


Antonio-Bruno“Thanks to the advice received on Passport to Trade 2.0 website on student placement resources in Portugal, I have also had fewer difficulties in finding accommodation and in managing other practical issues. My work placement experience has been more relaxed and successful.”

Antonio Bruno and I am a student of Tourism Sciences at University of Calabria in Rende (CS) – Italy.


“I congratulate the team members of the Passport to Trade 2.0 project. They have done a great job by gathering the right information about business culture and behaviour in several European countries.”

Roger Koplenig, Head of Marketing, Weider Wärmepumpen GmbH Dornbirn, Austria

Tolockaite-Diana“Passport to Trade 2.0 is a great resource that allows familiarising with country’s national culture and values whether you are looking to study and make business there. Learn more about business culture in Lithuania.”

Diana Tolockaite, Marketing Assistant at Fast Web Media, Manchester, UK / Lithuania


Gordon-Fletcher“A unique element of businessculture.org is the attention to the social media differences that exist between countries and the importance of recognising how these differences can have an impact on doing business. A quick scan of the social media entry for Portugal reveals a very different landscape to say the UK or Finland. Usefully there are also pointers to social networks that will not be familiar to the uninitiated. Star Tracker was certainly a new one to me. Reading the entry for Portugal also reminded me of the need to consider of age and access issues within individual countries. A combination of issues that has become almost entirely assumed in the UK and elsewhere.”

Dr Gordon Fletcher, Salford Business School, Co-director Centre for Digital Business, Senior Lecturer in Information Systems / Head of Academic Unit, the UK


Ana-Maria-Tudorache“I believe that the  Passport to Trade 2.0 project has developed a very useful tool that could have helped me save much time and energy which I invested in organising and conducting my international mobility trip and which I recommend with confidence to all young people who want to enjoy a learning experience or who want to work in Europe.”

Ana-Maria Tudorache, PhD Student in the Doctoral School of Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania


Nasya-Handzhiyska“The Passport to Trade 2.0 project will give you valuable insights about your upcoming life and will help you in your future endeavors. Read, watch and enjoy the preparation of your new life with the www.businessculture.org. I highly recommend it to you!”

Nasya Handzhiyska, International Business Student at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria


“At that time I considered myself as a person who knew how to deal with social media and how to use them efficiently for business purposes. Yet, in the discussion I realized that there are so many things I did not know, such as the different approach of different nationalities towards social media, the variances in their popularity, their suitability for different social media marketing strategies etc. This experience made me recognize the usefulness of the businessculture.org website and its great potential in helping SMEs from different countries.”

Kyriakos Papadopoulos, mechanical engineer, Greece

“Based on my experience I realized that it would have been very useful for me to know prior to the trips information such as – where should I look forChina-Xiamen-University-campus accommodation, what kind of transportation is the most suitable, what to expect from academic environment, what facilities for studying can I expect, cost of living in the specific area, language matters such as whether most people speak English and so on. Therefore, when I discovered the Business Culture guides for the 31 European countries, which includes all this information and much more, I think that businessculture.org would have been a great practical tool prior to my trips.”

Peter Víťazka, Slovak student studying in Czech Republic. Currently student at Erasmus Mundus advanced master programme “Economics of Globalisation and European Integration”


Maria Slavova“Overall I found the report on Germany instructive and would recommend it to students looking for placements in Germany.”

Mariya Slavova, Bulgarian exchange student who visited Munich, Germany


“I want to extend my appreciation and congratulations to the Passport to Trade 2.0 project and businessculture.org for providing access to these cultural Irene Kimmelguides and for promoting the possibilities and exciting opportunities that are emerging in Malta and other European markets.”

Irene Kimmel, Managing Director, Archetype Marketing Ltd, Malta and US


trepuntoz3ro.it“The Passport to Trade 2.0 guides are a good instrument for students, companies and every manager who wants, as we do, to enter international market.”

Factory 3.0, Italy

Pierre-Boulay“This website will drive your success in communication in Europe. I am happy to finally find out a useful and ergonomic tool to run my business projects and encourage you to have a look (and more!) on this great website.”

Pierre Boulay, Commerce international – Administration Import/export – Quadrilingue, Lyon Area, France


Fred-Creedon“In my opinion, the resources offered by Passport to Trade 2.0 provide an accurate and well-rounded representation of Ireland as both a place to work and live. In particular the advice provided regarding business etiquette and taboo subjects is a very informative.”

Fred Creedon, Lecturer and PhD Researcher at University College Cork, Ireland (UCC)


Sebastian-Popescu-manager-S.C.-East-Soft-Consulting“If you are an SME manager or employee and you have some spare time use it to explore  www.businessculture.org, I am sure you will have no regrets, certainly you will gain useful knowledge!”

Sebastian Popescu, manager of S.C. East Soft Consulting, Romania


Roxana Matei“I heard about this website https://businessculture.org from the coordinator of this project from the Valahia University of Targoviste, Romania, Mrs. Adriana Grigorescu. I think it is a real help for those who want to work, study or visit another country. For a better country integration, information on work-life-balance, geographical notions and basic knowledge about the culture of the country are always very useful.”

Roxana Matei, Erasmus student at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Ciudad Real, Spain from Romania


“I believe that www.businessculture.org presents a well written guide for small and medium sized companies that want to venture out and do business in foreign INTERIORPROTECT-Ltdcountries but do not have the time to invest in a lot of research themselves and I would recommend it to fellow managers.”

Dr. Eng. Lydia Kostova, INTERIORPROTECT Ltd, Bulgaria


Dimitra-Koukouseli“As a student studying business administration at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, I think the website www.businessculture.org is an essential tool for everyone who would like to do business in these countries. I liked the videos as well because they give a quick snapshot of the country.”

Dimitra Koukouseli, Student, University of Macedonia Thessaloniki. Department of Business Administration, Greece