Internship and placement

Portugal-flag-140Work experience

Universities in Portugal have specific International Relations Units and/or offices dedicated to student placements.

Students interested in carrying out a work placement in Portugal should send their CV and a covering letter to the placement office. This office can help students thanks to connections with associate partner organisations, companies and other organisations who offer placement opportunities.

In addition, there are private organisations which offer placement opportunities to students and researchers. Usually, these organisations require students to take  a preparatory language course which helps them to  prepare for working in Portugal.

Private agencies provide  information and assistance throughout and a tutor will give you advice in order to solve any problems that might occur during the placement. These organisations also guarantee a job interview, but not to a job. The result depends on previous experience, language skills of the student and on company needs at the time.

Users of these services are expected to pay a fee in two instalments,  a first payment, and once the organisation has accepted t request of the participants, they should make the final payment.

Internship and Placement advice

There are several practical issues related to internship and placement you should need to know. It’s very important you are aware about the formalities necessary before leaving such as Visa rules, social security, arrangements.

Social security and European health insurance

EU citizens and students from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway or Switzerland, can benefit from  free medical and hospital care during their stay in Portugal  by presenting their European Health Card.

Third Country citizens must have  medical insurance or other special medical cover/arrangements for the duration of their stay in Portugal. If they have been residing in Portugal for more than 90 days they may wish to apply for the National Health Service Card (Cartão do Utente do SNS). The card allows access to the Portuguese Public Health Service which is free of charge and can be obtained from  local Health Centres (Centros de Saúde).

For further information:


Walking alone at night in particular areas of large cities, might be dangerous, so it’s important to bear this in mind  when looking for a flat.

Recently, strikes and public protests against the government have increased as a result of austerity measures. Travellers should therefore try to  avoid areas where these public protests are taking place.

In the event of an emergency the number to call is 112 but there are also other numbers for specific emergencies.

Do I need a visa?

Portugal is part of the Schengen Area, hence, EU citizens and those of Andorra, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway andSwitzerland  need only an identity card in order to enter  the country. For stays of up to 90 days, visitors from non EU countries such Argentina, Australia, Brazil, United States, Canada and others (view the complete list from the reference below) need only a Passport. Otherwise citizens from countries not listed above will need a VISA to enter Portugal. You can request visas at any Portuguese Embassy or Consulate in your country.

Internship and placement salary

Private organisations offer information and help to match placement opportunities to students. Their programmes allow students to find a paid work placement or to participate in unpaid internships.

Some programmes that include paid jobs combine a language course (usually  3 weeks minimum) in the main cities, with a job placement. Participants will receive between 200-400 Euros depending on the company and the previous work experience of the students. This amount should cover basic expenses. Nowadays however, placements are not usually paid.

Internship and placement accommodation

Many universities offer accommodation in Student Residences which are usually located around the city/town. Housing facilities are not always integrated into Campuses. Although the cheapest option is to stay in university residences, it’s possible to rent a room sharing a flat with other students. Prices vary depending on the city and the area; the range  in 2013 was from- €150  to €300.

Older Portuguese people u often offer to rent out a room in their own house, so  if you don’t want this kind of accommodation you should look for flats without landlord (‘sem senhorio’).

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