Business etiquette in Belgium

Internship and placement

Belgium-flag-140Internship and placement

Looking for an internship and placement in Belgium ? Great ! We have some advice to give you about this. As an intern in Belgium it is not that easy. Much time, being stubborn and brave is needed.

Why ? Because placements are not common in Belgium. Hence, you will have to follow certains rules and be aware of features.

There are three official languages in Belgium: Dutch, French and German. Also, language can change depending on the place. However, in some roles English alone may be enough.

For students jobs : 

Fort students tips and regulations : 

Internship and placement in Belgium : advice

You want to have the best internship ? Firstly, just follow our advice on work experience. Secondly, reserve enough time for all the formalities. Thirdly, don’t forget: training and host organisations can help you with forms.

Social security and health insurance

Above all, if you are and EU member, your health insurance also works in Belgium. Also, make sure you take your European Health Insurance Card with you. Further, we advise to take a foreign health insurance. As well as accident insurance and liability insurance.

Finally, having health insurance is often obligatory for a visa request.

Safety in Belgium

Most visits to Belgium are trouble-free. Belgium is mostly free of violent crime. Just as all big cities, you will find low-level street crime. For exemple muggings, bag snatching, and pick pocketing. But mainly in tourist areas.  Above all, take care of your things at major train stations.

The emergency phone number in Belgium is 112. With this number you will reach fire, police and paramedics is 112.

Do I need a visa for Belgium ?

It depends on the country you are coming from, you might need a Visa before you can work in Belgium.  For more details, please visit

EU members don’t need a visa to enter Belgium. Indeed, you will need to apply for a Foreign National Identity Number. It will allows you to open a bank account and access other services. That may be required for a longer stay in the country.

Whereas, all non-EU member state nationals hopping to exceed a 3 months stay in Belgium will need a visa (Schengen Type D). To work in Belgium, foreign workers must have a valid work permit.

Internship and placement in Belgium : Salary ?

Most of the time, few firms pay for interns. Maybe because internships are rare in the country. In contrast, the European Commission pays their interns.

Find a flat in Belgium

First of all if you are going to Belgium for an internship, you’ll need to find your own flat. Seems like in Brussels, rents are quite high. While in the more rural places rents are much cheaper. But places are harder to find.

Do you want to learn more about business culture in Belgium?