Do you work in digital marketing or want to study in this area? What do you think should be offered as part of the course that teaches you how to develop online marketing campaigns? What should be taught and how should it be taught?
Please use this unique opportunity to share your views on what a future digital marketing course should cover. Get in-touch with the team developing the Joint Master in Digital and Social Media Marketing.
Why should I talk to the digital marketing masters team?
Your thoughts will feed into an international partnership (JEMSS) of 5 European universities and two commercial organisations currently developing this new Joint Masters degree in Digital and Social Media Marketing. The course aims to offer students the opportunity to study and work in at least two European countries. It also aims to offer degree certification from at least two universities – giving students a joint masters certification.
Who are the partner universities and companies?
The results are analysed by the JEMSS project partners. Being led by Salford Business School, University of Salford, UK this survey will influence the new course on how to become a professional in International Digital Marketing.

Partnership countries includes: Salford Business School – UK, Kaunas University of Technology – Lithuania, University of Lodz – Poland, University of National and World Economy (UNWE) – Bulgaria, CITY College – Greece, expert digital marketing recruitment agency The Candidate – UK and international advertising agency – UK and Bulgaria.
What do you already know?
The team are now engaged in extensive consultation with both potential students and companies that might be interested in offering student internships, placements and work opportunities. The initial findings include the top 10 international digital marketing skills.
Top 10 international digital marketing skills
These 10 international digital marketing skills identified at a brainstorming session at Salford Business School on the 16th December 2013 are:
- Search Engine Optimisation
- Social Media Optimisation
- Analytics and Return on Investment (ROI)
- Creativity
- Soft Skills
- Client Management
- Awareness of International Market differences
- Hands on practical experience
- T shaped education
- Adaptability
This list was proposed by the following digital marketing industry representatives who attendees this brainstorming session:
- Ben Fox – JD Sports
- Briony Gunson – Manning Gottlieb OMD
- Chris Dalrymple – On The Beach
- Christopher Hackett and Tom Smith – Fast Web Media
- James Crawford – PR Agency One
- Jen Manchester –
- Laura McGowan and Ryan McKay – MediaCom
- Martin Williams – UK Copywriting
- Nadio Granata – numKrunch
- Nicola Wheldrake – Venn Digital
This new joint masters course in international digital marketing is due to start in the next two years.
How can you take part in this project?
If you are a company representative and interested in becoming a partner providing placements and internships in digital marketing, please contact Colin Telford from the digital marketing recruitment agency The Candidate.
If you are a University representative and interested in offering this programme in your university, please contact Dr Aleksej Heinze –, at Salford Business School, University of Salford.
If you are thinking of becoming a student please subscribe and follow the developments on becoming a digital marketing professional and make sure you leave your email contact details.