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Social Communities – How the world uses Social Media

Social media is a global phenomenon, creating many social communities but which countries are the biggest users?

It is no surprise that the UK is the country with the most internet users; it has in fact got a higher percentage of internet users in terms of population than the U.S, though closely followed by Japan, Germany and lastly, France.

Statistics on global internet usage may be helpful for a range of reasons, but what may really be of interest to company’s wishing to promote and trade on a global level, is the use of social media in different countries.

It seems Twitter still has a long way to go; with approximately 13% compared to 70% of usage numbers on Facebook, Twitter in the UK and the US is far behind – something which promoters in these countries may want to bear in mind! However, tweeters seem to be plentiful in Brazil and Japan with around 30% usage.

To take a look at these statistics in more detail, please visit the below link: