Work experience
In the Netherlands on-the-job training or a placement is called a “Stage”. It is offered within many fields including agriculture, tourism, health care, engineering, etc. Whether the placement is full or part-time and its duration depends on the company and the intern.
For an internship in the Netherlands, Dutch law requires applicants to be either a European Citizen OR to be currently enrolled in an educational institution as a student. It should be noted that after graduation, you will in general no longer be able to take an internship in the Netherlands.
Job exchanges for student internships in the Netherlands:
- [en] [nl]
- [nl]
- [en]
Tips and Regulations for students who want to do an internship in the Netherlands:
- [en]
- [en]
- [nl]
Internship and placement advice
There are many practical issues related to international placements that need to be taken care of either by the trainee or the host company. It is important to leave enough time for all the arrangements and the necessary formalities. The training organisations, educational institutions and home and host organisations will be able to help with the formalities.
Social security and European health insurance
All citizens must insure themselves against the costs of medical care.
However, there are no health risks associated with travel to the Netherlands and no inoculations are required. It is even safe to drink tap water.
In general, the rate of violent crime is relatively low in the Netherlands. However, tourists are often targeted by thieves. Robbery, pickpocketing and bag snatching are quite common especially around Amsterdam’s main tourist attractions, in restaurants, at the Central Station and on public transportation.
Thieves often operate in pairs, especially at Schiphol airport and Central Station as well as on the trams. While one thief will attempt to distract you (often by asking for directions or banging on your window) another picks your pocket or steals your bag.
Do I need a visa?
As mentioned above, for an internship in the Netherlands, Dutch law requires applicants to be either a European Citizen OR to be currently enrolled in an educational institution as a student. See and for more information on EU-related rights of working in Europe and immigration procedures.
If you are going to work in the Netherlands, you will need a Citizen Service Number (Burgerservicenummer or BSN). This is a unique identity number that you can apply for at your local municipality.
Internship and placement salary
Placements might be paid by the companies but not necessarily. This depends on the company and on the field in which you are planning to do your internship. Placements on professional courses such as medicine or law are mostly paid. However, there is no obligation to pay interns. Around 300€ per month might be a normal payment.
Internship and placement accommodation
Normally, interns must organise their accommodation themselves. Finding a good place to live can be quite difficult. It is much cheaper to live in the suburbs than in the centre of cities such as Amsterdam and The Hague. You will pay around 500€ a month for a one-bedroom apartment in the centre of Amsterdam compared to only 300€ in a village in the suburbs. Availability however, is often a greater problem than high prices.